What Does the App Do?
This app is simple: you create a routine, which is a list of steps, you choose the time at which you would like to perform the routine, then as you complete each task you check them off. Every day, the list resets and you start again.
Why Does This App Exist?
Simply put, I decided to build this app because I wanted this app to exist. I didn't do any kind of research, I didn't do any kind of looking around at the market to figure out which features the app should have. I am building a tool that I want to use myself. I've been using the reminders app for all of this, but the problem is that when you set a time for the reminder, it's going to show up in your 'Today' smart list, and I didn't want that to happen. It just makes that whole list really cluttered, and I didn't like it.
Why Did You Build Routines Instead of Using an App That Already Exists?
Well, for starters, I just felt like it. That's most of the answer. The reason I don't use any of the hundreds of habit trackers out there is that they're too talkative. Those apps feel like they're constantly trying to coach you through doing the routines, and I just get annoyed by this. I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and one of my symptoms is known as Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) which means that I have a need to feel like my actions are autonomous, and that I'm not being forced to do a task, which is very prominent in situations like chores or self-care routines. If the app is constantly bugging me about doing the task it just won't get done. So why use an app at all? I like to check things off lists. I like my routines, and I like writing them down. That's really it. It's simple, but it works.
Who Are You?
I am a fresh-out-of-school solo developer and content creator. I graduated college with both a bachelors and a masters degree in Information Systems.
My personal site is here.